Funding Australias Renewable Transition Isnt Picking Winners Its Securing Our Future Greg Jericho

Government support for green manufacturing is actually the easy part. To truly reduce emissions, we must stop digging up and burning fossil fuels
The Guardian Renewable Energy 3:10 pm on April 17, 2024

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The article discusses the need for Australia to invest in renewable energy and manufacturing to reduce emissions and contribute to a green economy. The Australian government is currently providing substantial financial support to fossil fuel industries but needs to allocate similar resources towards renewables. If Australia does not take action to reduce its carbon footprint, it risks falling behind in the global shift towards a low-carbon economy. The article also mentions record-breaking temperatures and coral bleaching events, emphasizing the urgent need for climate action.

  • Australia must invest significantly in renewable energy and manufacturing to reduce emissions and be part of a green economy
  • The government currently provides substantial financial support to fossil fuel industries but needs to allocate similar resources to renewables
  • Record-breaking temperatures and coral bleaching events emphasize the urgent need for climate action
  • Renewable energy investments will require massive government support
  • Continued approval of coal mines using outdated laws hinders efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

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