Clean Energy Companies Urge Congress to Pass Reform Before Election

Nearly 200 solar and storage companies have sent a letter to congressional leaders calling for legislation to improve permitting, project siting, transmission and public lands access for solar and solar plus storage projects, says Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). -œThere are hundreds of billions of investment dollars that depend on our ability to get clean […]
Solar Industry 3:10 pm on April 17, 2024

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Solar and storage companies have sent a letter to Congress urging for legislative reforms to improve permitting, project siting, transmission, and public lands access for solar and solar plus storage projects. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) states that there are hundreds of billions of investment dollars at stake, and these reforms are crucial for getting clean energy projects site prepared and efficiently connected to modern transmission systems. The recommended reforms include modernizing federal energy permitting, creating project siting partnerships across government, and building out transmission capacity (Renewable policy and incentives).

  • Solar and storage companies call for legislative reforms
  • Improve permitting, project siting, transmission, and public lands access
  • Hundreds of billions of investment dollars at stake
  • Create partnerships across government to streamline processes
  • Build out transmission capacity to efficiently connect projects


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