French Agency Warns Against Unchecked Reuse Of Secondhand Solar Modules

Soren, the French environmental agency, has warned that uninstalled panels are often resold or exported through loosely
PV Magazine International 3:16 pm on June 6, 2024

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France's Sore agency warns against the risks of reusing secondhand solar panels, calling for stricter regulations and a reuse fund. The organization highlighted concerns over uninstalled French panels being illegally exported to developing countries.

  • Solar panel reuse warning: Sore urges regulation on secondhand solar module trade.
  • Export risks identified: Uninstalled panels may be improperly disposed of or exported to developing nations.
  • Calls for stricter certification and funding: Emphasizes technical tests and proposes a 3.2M reuse initiative from 2023-2027.
  • Environmental impact: Collected panels are largely recycled, but some end up in landfills or exports.

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