Entergy Louisiana Approved to Add Up to 3 Gw Of Solar Power to Portfolio

Entergy Louisiana's proposal to add up to three gigawatts of economic solar power to its generation portfolio has been
Solar Power World 6:27 pm on May 22, 2024

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Entergy Louisiana approved up to 3 GW of solar power, marking a record-breaking renewable energy expansion in the state. This initiative aligns with Entergy's commitment towards net-zero emissions by 2050 and promises economic growth through job creation. With approximately 230 MW under operation or development, this project demonstrates Entergy's robust investment in renewable resources.

  • Entergy Louisiana approves 3 GW solar power expansion
  • Aligns with net-zero emissions commitment by 2050
  • Promises economic growth through job creation
  • Operational or developing 230 MW of renewable resources
  • Part of a larger push for clean energy and sustainability


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