Acciona Energa Commences Operations at Red Tailed Hawk Plant in Texas

ACCIONA EnergĂ­a has begun operations at the 458 MW Red-Tailed Hawk PV plant, located near Houston in Wharton County,
Solar Industry 6:27 pm on May 22, 2024

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ACCIONA Energa begins operations at the 458 MW Red-Tailed Hawk plant in Texas, featuring solar trackers and producing approximately 742 GWh annually. The project created around 400 jobs during its construction phase.

  • ACCIONA Energa's Start: Red-Tailed Hawk PV plant inaugurated in Texas.
  • Location and Specifications: Near Houston, Wharton County with 458 MW capacity using solar trackers.
  • Economic Impact: Construction phase generated roughly 400 jobs.
  • Annual Energy Production: Estimated to be around 742 GWh per year.
  • ACCIONA Energa's Presence: ACCIONA Energa marks a significant operation start in Texas solar industry.

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