Enphase Energy Releases Control Software for Home Solar, Battery Systems

Enphase Energy, a California-ome Of It Could Come From Wastewater.
PV Magazine International 11:39 am on April 12, 2024

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Enphase Energy, a California-based microinverter specialist, has launched new power control software for its home solar and battery systems. The software enables installers to build larger projects and export stored electricity to the grid, avoiding costly main panel upgrades and meeting utility and national electrical code requirements. The system supports solar-only and solar-plus-storage combinations, including grid-tied and grid-forming applications. Enphase plans to add additional power control functionality in Q3 2024, including support for busbar power control.

  • Enphase Energy has launched new power control software for its home solar and battery systems
  • The system enables installers to build larger projects and export stored electricity to the grid
  • It avoids costly main panel upgrades and meets utility and national electrical code requirements
  • The system supports a range of solar-only and solar-plus-storage combinations
  • Enphase plans to add additional power control functionality in Q3 2024, including busbar power control


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