Closure Of Australias Biggest Coal Fired Power Station May Be Delayed While Renewables Catch Up

States must roll out batteries, solar and wind energy more quickly to ease risk of blackouts, energy operator says
The Guardian Renewable Energy 4:43 pm on May 20, 2024

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The closure of Australia's largest coal-fired power station is potentially delayed as the reliability risks in NSW and Victoria are higher, especially around summer supply due to solar power abundance. Battery projects may cause scarcity post-2025 without extended operations. The Aemo report likely supports extending Eraring's lifespan, but discussions continue between Origin Energy and the NSW government. Despite this, federal energy minister Chris Bowen assures a reliable summer supply from existing and future capacity investments.

  • Delayed Closure of Coal-Fired Power Station: Potential delay in shutdown due to increased reliability risks.
  • Risk During Summer Supply: Increased risk of power scarcity following planned exit dates, exacerbated by solar energy overproduction.
  • Battery Project Delays: Could cause summer supply shortages after coal plants close and affect reliability.
  • Aemo Report's Influence on Eraring Plant: Suggests the plant extension is likely, pending state government talks with Origin Energy.
  • Federal Assurance of Summer Supply Reliability: Federal minister Chris Bowen confident about summer reliability due to investments in new generation and storage.

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