Carbon Electrode Based Perovskite Solar Cell Achieves 20.8% Efficiency Via New Lamination Tech

A research team in Australia has used a lamination technique known as cold isostatic pressing (CIP) to build a
PV Magazine International 8:16 am on June 7, 2024

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In June 2024, CSIRO researchers developed a perovskite solar cell using carbon-silver bilayer electrodes and cold isostatic pressing (CIP), achieving 20.8% efficiency and demonstrating potential for large-scale production.

  • Carbon-Silver Bilayer Electrode: The cell used a flexible, conductive carbon and silver layer.
  • Cold Isostatic Pressing Technique (CIP): This method applies high pressure uniformly to form strong bonds without thermal damage or morphology alteration.
  • Efficiency: The cell achieved a record 20.8% efficiency, surpassed only by evaporated gold electrode-based cells.
  • Potential for Large-Scale Production: CIP opens possibilities for reliable large-scale manufacturing of cost-effective perovskite solar cells.

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