California Supreme Court to Review Rooftop Solar Net Metering

California's highest court granted review to a lawsuit challenging a -regressive- rooftop solar policy called NEM 3.0.
PV Magazine International 11:39 am on April 12, 2024

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The California Supreme Court will review a lawsuit challenging the state's NEM 3.0 net metering policy for rooftop solar, which has led to job losses, industry damage, and falling demand due to reduced compensation for homeowners exporting excess energy. The petition argues that the Commission failed to consider societal benefits of renewable generation in setting rates. Solar offers environmental advantages, but the state may not meet its clean energy targets without a robust rooftop solar market. Utilities seek to maintain their profit model by undermining rooftop solar.

  • California Supreme Court to review NEM 3.0 net metering policy challenge
  • NEM 3.0 led to job losses, industry damage, and falling demand in CA rooftop solar market
  • Petition alleges Commission ignored societal benefits of renewable energy generation in setting rates
  • Solar offers environmental advantages, but state may not meet clean energy targets without a robust rooftop solar industry
  • Utilities seek to maintain profit model by undermining rooftop solar

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