Bladeless Wind Energy Innovation Aims to Compete With Rooftop Solar

A compact, -motionless- wind turbine with a magnetic generator designed for large commercial rooftops provides 5 kW of
PV Magazine International 5:10 am on May 24, 2024

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Innovative bladeless wind energy technology developed by Aeromine Technologies is set to compete with rooftop solar panels. It features a motionless design for large commercial buildings, captures and amplifies building airflow using aerodynamics, produces 50% more energy than conventional solar at the same cos, weighs just over 1,000 lbs, can endure high wind speeds, offers customizable scalability through ten-unit installations producing up to 50kWh per year. The company received a $9 million Series A funding round and expects commercial entry into the European and North American markets in 2025.

  • Bladeless wind technology: Aeromine's bladeless design competes with solar, capturing airflow efficiently.
  • Scalability & customization: Offers 10-unit installations for a roof surface area of approximately 48.5 sqm/kW and varies annual energy production based on wind speed and building height.
  • Funding & growth potential: Secured $9 million Series A funding, with investment from Verite and Thornton Tomasetti; thousands of inquiries for various industries.
  • Environmental benefits: Design is visually unobtrusive and quieter than traditional wind turbines while being environmentally friendly.
  • Commercial market entry plans: Planned to launch in European and North American markets by 2025, targeting large commercial buildings for implementation.

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