Aleasoft Records Drop in Weekly European Electricity Prices

PV Magazine International 12:32 pm on May 22, 2024

AleaSoft reports a decline in weekly European electricity prices during the third week of May, with notable drops across major markets excluding British and Dutch. This trend aligns with reduced gas and CO2 costs, increased wind energy production, and varying solar output. AleaSoft forecasts mixed pricing movements for the commencing week of May 2nd, predicting decreases in most countries except Dutc and market where increases are expected due to lessened wind power.

  • Weekly price drop across major European electricity markets:
  • Exclusion of British and Dutch markets from the downward trend:
  • Positive correlation with reduced gas and CO2 costs, increased wind production:
  • Predicted future pricing: decreases in majority except Dutc and market.
  • Notable solar output fluctuations during May.

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