Biomass, Captured Carbon and Plastic Waste Can Help 'defossilize' Chemicals, Report Says

Policy briefing sets out how industry can move away from fossil fuel feedstocks and embrace low carbon and sustainable
Greenbiz 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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Green chemistry report suggests Biomas, plastic waste, captured CO2 could defossilize the chemical sector by providing low carbon feedstocks, reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and aiding decarbonization of everyday products. The Royal Society emphasizes industry collaboration with government support to navigate transition barriers due to uncertainties in alternative feedstock availability and price.

  • Alternative Feedstocks: Biomas, waste plastic and CO2 capture are key to reducing the chemical sector's emissions.
  • Decarbonization Potential: The report suggests a major role in defossilizing chemistry with potential for emission reductions across various consumer products.
  • Collaboration and Support: Necessity for industry-government partnerships to overcome uncertainties and barriers during the transition period.
  • Technological Feasibility: Multiple pilot projects confirm the technical feasibility of using sustainable feedstocks in different sectors within chemical production processes.
  • Sustainability Goals: Supporting global decarbonization goals by reducing emissions and aiding the shift towards more sustainable practices.

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