Basis Climate Completes Smallest Solar Tax Credit Transfer Yet

The transaction represents a milestone in Basis Climate's ability to efficiently transfer tax credits at smaller and
Solar Power World 12:16 pm on June 6, 2024

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Basis Climate completes the smallest solar tax credit transfer, highlighting a milestone for clean energy financing through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and facilitating project development with smaller investment sizes.

  • Smallest tax credit transfer: Basis Climate's recent transaction underscores the IRA's impact on small-scale clean energy projects.
  • Investment efficiency: Enables developers to access necessary capital through a simplified and standardized marketplace for tax credits.
  • Market expansion: Significantly lowers barriers for diverse project sizes, including behind-the-meter solar projects.
  • Transfer mechanism: Demonstrates a novel provision in the IRA allowing tax credits to be transferred directly between entities.

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