Ad/cvd Moratorium on Southeast Asian Solar Imports Expires Today Does It Even Matter

The temporary pause on duty collection and tariff enforcement for Chinese-origin solar cell and panel imports from
Solar Power World 12:16 pm on June 6, 2024

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U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) enforces anti-dumping/countervailing duty (AD/CVD) on solar cells and panels, with full charges applying to items not used by the deadline or resold otherwise.

  • Policy Enforcement:
  • Deadline for Use: 180 days post-importation before AD/CVD charges apply fully.
  • Options Post Deadline: Selling or exporting remaining stock.
  • Exceptions to Utilization Penalty: Items used in U.S. warehouses, resold abroad, or destroyed after importation don't count as non-utilization penalties.

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