A Close Look at the New Tesla Model 3 Performance

We get a close look at the new Tesla Model 3 Performance for the first time as it is about...
Electrek 4:52 pm on April 23, 2024

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The text provides a first look at the new Tesla Model 3 Performance, showcasing its updated features such as new seats, front lip, rear diffuser, and aerodynamic wheels. The vehicle is expected to be faster than previous Model 3 versions but release date and pricing details are unclear. The text also mentions Tesla's recent layoffs in its advertising team.

  • Tesla showcases new features of the Model 3 Performance, including updated seats, front lip, rear diffuser, and wheels
  • Release date and pricing details have yet to be announced
  • Model 3 Performance is expected to be faster than previous versions
  • Tesla recently laid off its entire new ad team


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