3 Circularity Roles Every Business Needs

Greenbiz 4:42 pm on May 20, 2024

Circularity, an essential aspect of sustainability, requires strategic roles within businesses. Three pivotal roles include visionary leaders driving systemic change, dedicated circular economy managers embedding the concept throughout operations, and supply chain specialists focusing on efficiency and innovation. These positions collectively facilitate a transition to sustainable practices.

  • "Visionary leader": Calls for defining long-term circularity goals and fostering collaboration across the company's functions.
  • "Circular economy manager": Oversees integration of circular principles into all business areas, driving innovation and cross-functional alignment.
  • "Supply chain specialist": Redefines supply chains with sustainability at its core, advocating for resource efficiency and waste reduction.
  • "Synergy of financial support": Ensures circular initiatives are well-supported by the finance department to gain company-wide acceptance.
  • "Elevating organizational consciousness": Integrates circularity into every employee's responsibilities, establishing a culture of sustainability.


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