The Week in Climate Policy: 4 Updates You Need to Know

Virginia is done playing by California's rules on vehicle emissions standards; Jared Kushner is backing solar power.
Greenbiz 10:16 am on June 7, 2024

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Leah Garden reports Virginia to end emissions standards alignment with California, citing potential increased pollution; Kushner invests in solar energy contrary to father-in-law's stance. UN Secretary General Guterres advocates fossil fuel advertisement bans referencing tobacco precedent. Maryland Governor Moore issues climate action directive for state agencies.

  • Virginia Policy Shift:
  • The governor's decision to part from California's vehicle emissions standards.
  • Investment in solar energy by Jared Kushner, despite his father-in-law's climate skepticism.
  • UN Secretary General Guterres pushes for a ban on fossil fuel advertisements, similar to the historic tobacco industry regulations.
  • Maryland Governor Moore directs agencies towards environmental planning and targets clean energy goals.

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