2024 Year Of the Electric Ute Australia March Sales Update

2024 should turn out to be the year of the electric ute as 6 models are due for delivery to the Australian market.
CleanTechnica 6:40 pm on April 15, 2024

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The text is an article update from David Waterworth regarding the sales of electric utes (utes are Australian term for pickup trucks) in Australia during March 2024. The sales have shown a significant increase compared to previous years, indicating a growing trend towards electric vehicles (EVs) in this sector.

  • David Waterworth reports on the surge in sales of electric utes in Australia during March 2024.
  • Sales figures reveal a marked increase in comparison to previous years.
  • The trend indicates growing popularity of EVs in the pickup truck market.
  • No specific reason for this trend is mentioned in the text.
  • Further details or updates on these sales are not provided.


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