Uottawa Researchers Optimize Pv Panel Efficacy

Researchers at the University of Ottawa say they have devised a method to optimize the effectiveness of solar panels,
Solar Industry 4:22 pm on May 7, 2024

** University of Ottawa researchers have improved solar panel efficiency by studying the impact of artificial reflectors placed beneath panels. Collaboration with NREL led to findings that highly reflective surfaces can enhance energy output significantly, and these results were published in Progress journal.

  • Research Collaboration: University of Ottawa's SUNLAB collaborated with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to experiment on artificial reflectors.
  • Key Finding: Reflective ground surfaces, when directly underneath panels, can increase energy output by up to 4.5%.
  • Publication: Study findings were published in the journal Progress.
  • Funding: The study was supported by various organizations including NSERC of Canada and US Department of Energy.
  • Economic Implication: Optimization methods could lead to better solar panel technology, affecting market dynamics and energy costs.


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