‘we Must Push Back on Net Billing'

With California's NEM 3With California's NEM 3.
PV Magazine International 1:20 pm on May 14, 2024

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Renewable policy and incentives: The text highlights the uncertainty caused by changing legislation across multiple states, impacting solar power installations due to reduced utility bill savings. Key points include the need for stable regulatory environments for customer investment in solar systems, advocacy against adverse billing adjustments, and maintaining consumer cost-effectiveness despite new NEM 3.0 changes.

  • Regulatory Stability: Recent legislative changes have created uncertainty for customers considering investment in solar systems.
  • Investor Protection: Solar companies must advocate against billing adjustments that threaten customer savings.
  • Nevada Energy Market Regulation (NEM 3.0): The new energy market regulations necessitate open communication and strategic advocacy for solar industry stakeholders.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Solar power's economic viability is crucial; changes in utility bill savings directly affect customer investment decisions.
  • Industry Impact: The overall solar industry faces challenges from fluctuating policies and needs to ensure solar energy remains an attractive option for consumers.


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