‘addressing the Gender Gap Requires a Bottom Up Approach, Beginning With Recognition and Regulation'

PV Magazine International 3:17 pm on June 7, 2024

Women face barriers in the renewable energy sector, but initiatives like Women In Solar Europe (WiSEu) and Huawei's efforts to foster female talent aim to address these challenges. This approach encompasses recognition, regulation, education, reskilling, and upskilling strategies for women in technology and renewable sectors.

  • Empowerment: Women's voices are amplified through platforms like WiSEu.
  • Leadership Development: Companies, such as Huawei, offer mentorship and clear missions for women professionals.
  • Skill Enhancement: Education and training programs are crucial in breaking the gender gap within top-level positions.
  • Policy Advocacy: EU regulations, like the Pay Transparency Directive, help combat wage disparities between genders.


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