You Can Now Sell, Design Whole Home Electrification Plans in Aurora Solar

Solar Builder Magazine 4:16 pm on June 6, 2024

Aurora Solar introduces whole-home electrification tools for designing energy-efficient homes with solar and storage systems, enabling personalized proposals. These tools include comprehensive storage modeling to optimize bill savings and independence. Aurora's Sales Mode allows professionals to differentiate offerings through holistic clean energy plans that cater to homeowners' visions for their electrified homes.

  • Whole-home electrification tools: Aurora Solar offers new software aiding in the design of comprehensive, energy-efficient homes with integrated solar and storage systems.
  • Comprehensive storage modeling: Helps homeowners maximize bill savings through strategic battery placement for various usage scenarios.
  • Sales Mode: Provides an advanced sales platform that enables solar professionals to craft personalized energy plans for clients, distinguishing their services in the marketplace.
  • Holistic proposals and partnerships: Encourages collaboration between solar installers and homeowners, ensuring tailored solutions align with individual electrification goals.

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