Yes, Rivian Uses Android Automotive Os to Build Its Software Experience

It's been suspected that Rivian is using Android for its software experience, and it's now confirmed that Rivian is
Electrek 4:42 pm on May 20, 2024

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9to5Google reveals Rivian uses Android Automotive OS for its software. While not officially confirmed, several indicators suggest this. Rivian integrates unique features and does not rely on Google services or apps. This adoption offers a potential future for more Android app integration in their vehicles.

  • Rivian's Use of Android Automotive OS:
  • Unique Owner Experience: Rivian customizes and maintains an independent software ecosystem.
  • Potential for Android App Integration: Future updates may incorporate more Android apps into the vehicles.
  • Distinctive Software Environment: Despite using Android Automotive OS, Rivian's implementation is not easily identifiable with traditional use cases.
  • No Current Google Apps and Services: This means immediate benefits of the switch to Android Automotive are limited.

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