Worlds Largest Solar Plant Goes Online in China

China Green Development Group has switched on the 3.5 GW Midong solar project in Urumqi, China's Xinjiang regionChina Green Development Group has switched on the 3.5 GW Midong solar project in Urumqi, China's Xinjiang region.
PV Magazine International 7:16 am on June 6, 2024

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World largest solar plant inaugurated by CGDG, Urumq's Midong facility. A 3.5 GW project with 650 W monocrystalline panels and extensive infrastructure, costing CNY 15.45 billion. China Green Development Group (CGDG), a key player in renewable energy investment and management under SASAC, seeks to reach over 20 GW installations by end-2024.

  • Inauguration: CGDG's Midong solar plant, Urumq marks the world's largest at 3.5 GW.
  • Technical Specifications: Utilizes over 650 W monocrystalline double-glass bifacial PV panels and a substantial supporting pile system for stability.
  • Investment Details: Involved CNY 15.45 billion, signaling China's commitment to large-scale solar investments.
  • Future Goals: CGDG aims for an installed renewable capacity exceeding 20 GW by 2024 under SASAC's oversight.

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