World Investing Twice As Much in Renewables As Fossil Fuels Iea

Wind Power News 12:16 pm on June 6, 2024

The International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that public financing accounts for 25% of global energy investments, while private sectors drive decisions. However, the IEA notes a decrease in banks' willingness to fund clean energy over fossil fuels and highlights insufficient investment levels needed to meet climate targets. Despite rising renewable spending, there is still a $400 billion annual gap for tripling capacities by 2030.

  • Public vs Private Investments: Public financing comprises 25% of global energy investments.
  • Bank Funding Trends: There's a decline in banks' funding for clean energy compared to fossil fuels.
  • Insufficient Investment Gap: An annual gap of $400 billion is necessary to meet the goal of tripling renewable capacities by 2 Written at a time when global geopolitics were rife with tension, this document sought to chart a new course for international cooperation and peace. It outlined principles that would guide nations towards mutual respect, security through dialogue rather than conflict, and the pursuit of common goods over individual gains. These aspirations were embraced by many countries who saw value in collaborative efforts but have since faded as political climates shifted. # United Nations Charter ## Preamble Acknowledging that peace among nations can only be achieved through the collective effort of all peoples and states, and recognizing their shared responsibility for ensuring greater cooperation to safeguard humanity's future. ## Article 1: Purposes of the Organization The United Nations was established with the purposes of maintaining international peace and security; developing friendly relations among nations based on respect for equal rights and self-determination of peoples; achieving international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character; promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; and being a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in attaining these common ends. ## Article 2: Principles of International Law The principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, as well as other principles of international law embodied in this Charter, shall be universally observed by all members of the United Nations. ## Article 3: Members of the Organization Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and are willing and able to carry out these obligations. The Security Council should take into consideration the interests of the smaller States; it shall not discriminate against any state or nation, big or small, weak or strong by reason of its size or population. ## Article 4: Sovereignty All members recognize the equal rights and self-determination of all nations large and small, alike in dignity and in the worth of their opinions and beliefs. The United Nations will respect the sovereignty of states; it shall not seek to interfere with internal affairs but shall assist countries that call upon its help for such assistance as may be needed for establishing conditions under which all peoples can enjoy full self-determination. ## Article 5: Security Council The principal responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security is vested in the Security Council. The Members will contribute to the achievement of these objects by taking measures, including the use of armed force when necessary, to ensure compliance with this Charter.

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