Winter Air Pollution Weighing on Solar Generation in India

Solargis says that Indian solar operators have experienced below-average PV panel performance due to air pollution in each of the past five winters. Northern India experienced the worst air quality in decades this January, with data showing a 30% to 50% dip in solar irradiance due to high aerosol levels.
PV Magazine International 4:52 pm on April 23, 2024

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India's solar power generation is negatively impacted by winter air pollution, causing below-average panel performance and financial losses. Northern India, specifically, experienced record-low temperatures and poor air quality in January 2024. High aerosol levels resulted in a 30% to 50% drop in solar irradiance compared to long-term averages. Central India has also faced long-term below-average irradiance due to the prolonged monsoon season. Solar developers are investing in higher quality data and hybrid tenders, necessitating a better understanding of solar variability and risk management.

  • Poor winter air quality causes significant underperformance in India's solar power generation
  • Northern India experienced record-low temperatures and poor air quality in January 2024, causing a 30% to 50% drop in solar irradiance
  • Central India has faced long-term below-average irradiance due to the prolonged monsoon season
  • Solar developers invest in higher quality data and hybrid tenders, necessitating a better understanding of solar variability and risk management
  • Underperformance and financial losses result from winter air pollution events in India's solar power generation sector

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