Why Is Your Roof Like an Empty Buy to Let Flat

Discover why your roof is like a buy-to-let flat and how installing a solar PV system can turn it into a profitable
Homeowner Blog 5:17 pm on May 22, 2024

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Spirit Energy highlights the financial benefits of solar panels, equating unused roof space to an empty buy-to-let flat that could generate income. Increasing electricity prices and reduced installation costs make a well-installed system cost-effective within five years. Battery storage and EV charging services are also offered by Spirit Energy.

  • Financial Opportunity: Roof space can generate income through solar energy, as underused roofs represent untapped revenue potential.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: With escalating electricity prices and decreasing installation costs over time, a well-installed solar system pays for itself in about five years.
  • Additional Services: Spirit Energy provides battery storage solutions and EV charging services to complement the solar power generation.
  • Immediate Action Encouraged: To avoid financial loss, promptly installing a solar PV system is advised for ongoing savings.

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