What Would Us Transportation Look Like If Internal Combustion Engines Prevail

The policies of the most recent two US presidents couldn't be more different and makes us wonder if EVs can prevail with
CleanTechnica 3:38 pm on May 13, 2024

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Photograph by Carolyn Fortuna, dated May 1, 2024, examines a scenario where internal combustion engines continue dominating US transportation. The future would heavily rely on these technologies despite growing environmental concerns and advancements in alternative energy sources.

  • Scenario depiction: Future US transportation still revolves around internal combustion engines.
  • Environmental impact: Dominance of such engines raises ecological concerns amidst advancements in clean energy solutions.
  • Energy source focus: The future scenario emphasizes the continued use and development of internal combustion engine technology.
  • Technological progress: Although other technologies exist, they may not supersede the prevalence of internal engines in transportation.
  • Comparative analysis: The contrast to current trends towards alternative energy sources is evident.


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