What Can We Do to Protect Our Coastal Communities from Extreme Weather Damage

It is important to uncover deep, hidden risks with significant financial implications for coastal communities.
CleanTechnica 8:19 pm on April 18, 2024

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The text is a blog post titled "What Can We Do To Protect Our Coastal Communities From Extreme Weather Damage?" by Carolyn Fortuna, published on April 1, 2024, with seven comments. The author discusses the need to take action against extreme weather damage in coastal communities and suggests several ways to build resilience.

  • The article discusses the need for communities to prepare for extreme weather events due to climate change
  • It mentions the importance of investing in infrastructure, such as sea walls, to protect against storm surges and flooding
  • The author also emphasizes the role of nature-based solutions like mangroves and oyster beds in reducing coastal erosion and protecting communities from storms
  • She encourages individuals and organizations to participate in local efforts to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change
  • The article concludes by emphasizing the need for collective action to build a more resilient future for coastal communities


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