We Recycle Solar Expands Partnership With Renewables.org on Tax Deductible Donations

We Recycle Solar and RenewablesWe Recycle Solar and Renewables.
Solar Industry 5:37 pm on May 15, 2024

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We Recycle Solar partners with Renewables.org to offer tax-deductible donations of PV panels, encouraging eco-conscious economic benefits for companies. The initiative supports community impact and advances the solar industry's sustainability efforts by repurposing surplus or residual photovoltaic modules.

  • Partnership Formation:
  • Donation Program: Tax-deductible contributions of PV panels.
  • Community Impact: Facilitates eco-friendly initiatives and financial incentives.
  • Industry Benefits: Supports sustainability efforts within the solar industry.
  • Company Advantages: Encourages responsible asset management and environmental stewardship.


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