Wattev Opens Us' First Megawatt Charge Station With 1.2mw Speeds and Solar

The site has 50 total chargers - a mix of 240kW, 360kW, and even some at a whopping 1The site has 50 total chargers - a mix of 240kW, 360kW, and even some at a whopping 1.
Electrek 10:52 pm on May 6, 2024

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The text highlights WattEV's launch of the US' first Megawatt Charge Station (MCS) featuring solar integration, a partially grid-islanded setup, and an MCS charger capable of 1.2MW power delivery for electric trucks. This breakthrough in EV infrastructure is notable due to its scalability potential, public accessibility, and implications for future trends in the industry.

  • Electric Vehicles: WattEV unveils a high-capacity charging station with MCS technology at its Bakersfield site, marking a significant milestone for EV infrastructure in the US. The installation boasts 50 total charger units and supports grid-islanded energy production from solar power, preparing for future electric truck adoption.
  • Renewable Energy: WattEV's project showcases innovative integration of renewable energy sources with EV charging infrastructure, emphasizing the synergy between renewable technologies and clean transportation solutions in contemporary markets.


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