Victoria's Emergency Backstop Mechanism for Solar Looms

A requirement in Victoria that new home solar power systems are able to be throttled or switched off remotely is meant
Solar Quotes Blog 9:16 pm on June 5, 2024

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Australia's solar industry prepares for potential changes due to a July 2024 deadline. A transitional period may ease implementation, but current trends show the sector adapting well without significant issues reported by owners or installers.

  • Solar System Installation: No immediate disruptions expected despite potential July 2024 deadline.
  • Government's Transitional Period: Potential arrangements to ease the industry through changes, yet details remain unclear.
  • Industry Adaptation: Adequate preparations by newcomers and established businesses in response to existing regulations.
  • Current Situation Reports: Lack of substantial issues affecting owners or installers, indicating smooth operations within the solar industry.

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