Verogy Installs 486 Kw Solar Portfolio for Connecticut School District

The Connecticut Green Bank provided Groton Public Schools with guidance through its Solar Municipal Assistance Program
Solar Power World 7:13 pm on May 13, 2024

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Verogy installs a 468kW solar portfolio for Connecticut's school district, supported by the Green Bank's Solar MAP. The project benefits include substantial savings on energy costs and PPA terms with no upfront installation cost or operations fees. Groton School District is recognized for its commitment to sustainability through this partnership.

  • Solar Power Portfolio: Verogy installs a large-scale solar project at Connecticut's school district.
  • Green Bank Support: Solar MAP initiative by the Green Bank providing cost benefits and no installation fee.
  • Energy Savings & PPA Terms: Substantial savings on energy costs with a favorable Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) structure.
  • Sustainability Commitment: Groton School District's dedication to environmentally responsible practices reflected by the solar installation.
  • No Upfront Cost or Operations Fees: The project circumvented initial expenditures and ongoing operational costs for the district.
Category Selection: Solar Power

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