Us Solar Module Manufacturing Capacity Grows by 11 Gw in Q1

Total US solar module production capacity increased by more than 11 GW in the first quarter of 2024, according to the UTotal US solar module production capacity increased by more than 11 GW in the first quarter of 2024, according to the U.
PV Magazine International 7:16 am on June 7, 2024

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The US solar module manufacturing capacity grew by 11 GW in Q1, reaching over 26 GW per year. Solar installations surged to 1.04 GW, with Florida leading at 2.7GW and Texas at 2.6GW. Despite challenges like trade policies and labor shortages, the industry projects annual installation of around 40 GW over five years.

  • US solar manufacturing capacity increased by 11 GW in Q1, totaling over 26 GW annually.
  • Record installations of 1.04 GW, with Florida and Texas leading at 2.7GW and 2.6GW respectively.
  • Anticipated annual growth to about 40 GW over five years amid challenges like trade policies and labor shortages.
  • Trade policy uncertainty not expected to significantly impact industry due to minimal Chinese import reliance at present.

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