Us Approval Clears Way for Central Atlantic Offshore Wind Leasing

Wind Power News 9:16 am on June 7, 2024

US approval opens central Atlantic for offshore wind leasing by BOEM. Final environmental assessment found no significant impacts from planned Delaware-Maryland and Virginia sites, with a third Maryland area under review due to costs associated with military activities.

  • Lease sale planning: US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has completed an environmental assessment for leasing offshore wind projects in the central Atlantic.
  • Approved areas: The proposed lease sales are set to include 410km off Delaware and Maryland, as well as 714km off Virginia, with a third Maryland site under review.
  • No significant impacts: The assessment found no substantial environmental consequences from the planned lease sales.
  • Military and NASA considerations: Costs to mitigate activities for military, including a Maryland site omitted due to high costs involved.

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