U.s. Invests $9.5 Million to Study the Social Dynamics Of Large Scale Solar Siting & Permitting

Department of Energy invests 95 million to study the social dynamics of large scale solar sitting and permitting
CleanTechnica 2:44 am on June 5, 2024

The U.S. Department of Energy invests $9.5M to research social aspects of large-scale solar permitting, focusing on large-scale solar siting and approvals.

  • Investment: $9.5 million U.S. Department of Energy funding.
  • Subject Matter: Social dynamics surrounding large-scale solar energy projects.
  • Objective: To study the intricacipies, challenges, and facilitation in siting and permitting for large-scale solar endeavors.
  • Timeline Reference: Announced as of 1 hour ago with June 2024 as the date.
Categorized under: Solar

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