Turkey's Solar Ambitions Range Beyond Its Borders

The number of module assembly businesses in Türkiye continues to rise but, despite protectionist moves to support
PV Magazine International 4:27 am on May 11, 2024

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Chint Group, part of Astronergy, plans to establish a new solar PV manufacturing facility in Turkey's Haci Sabanci Industrial Zone. The factory, with 2,000 square meters and an initial workforce of 150, will produce N5 and N-type TOPCon modules using cells from other Astronergy plants. By Q4 2024, solar energy is forecasted to account for 28% of Turkey's installed capacity by 2035, with a goal to increase cell production in the country through onshoring efforts like local manufacturing and wafer development, led by industry players including Sirius Energy brand Elin.

  • Chint Group announces new solar PV factory
  • 2,000 sqm facility in Turkey's Haci Sabanci zone
  • Astronergy cells for N5 and N-type modules
  • Turkey aims for 28% solar capacity by 2035
  • Local manufacturing growth in solar industry, Sirius Energy brand Elin's plans include cell production


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