Trina Solar Records 65.21 Gw Of Solar Panel Shipments for 2023

Trina Solar says its solar panel shipments reached 65.21 GW in 2023. The Chinese module maker achieved a turnover of $15Trina Solar says its solar panel shipments reached 65.21 GW in 2023. The Chinese module maker achieved a turnover of $15.
PV Magazine International 5:15 pm on May 10, 2024

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Trina Solar reported record shipments of 65.21 GW, reaching a $15.75 billion revenue and a net profit of $768.2 million in FY2023, with significant growth across business segments including residential PV systems (9.6 G) and racking sales (4.6 G trackers). The company expanded its production capacity to 95 GW by December 2023, targeting further increases of module shipment volume in the future.

  • Shipments & Revenue:
  • Residential PV Systems: 9.6 GW with a 54.8% YoY growth
  • Racking Sales: 9.6 GW, trackers up by 118.2% year-on-year
  • Production Capacity Expansion:
  • Modules Shipment Targets (FY24): 80 GW - 90 GW ambition, residential PV business expansion to 20% and racking business growth of 50%
  • Innovation & R&D:

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