Treasury Is Asking for Comments on Updated Itc and Ptc Rules

The DeptThe Dept.
Solar Power World 5:54 pm on May 29, 2024

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The U.S. Treasury seeks comments on updated ITC and PTC rules as per the Inflation Reduction Act, which transitions to new clean electricity tax credits post-2025. It includes clarification on energy storage eligibility for solar projects and updates on manufacturing incentives.

  • Treasury Call: Requesting public input on updated ITC/PTC rules.
  • Credit Transition Timeline**: Post-2025 shift to clean electricity tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act.
  • Eligibility Clarification**: Energy storage eligibility for solar projects detailed in updates.
  • Manufacturing Incentives**: Updates on U.S. manufacturing support within new tax credit framework.
  • Public Engagement**: Encouragement of public participation to influence policy direction.

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