Toyota Shipments Halted by Inadequate Vehicle Testing, Shareholders Call for a New Chairman

Toyota is once again facing scrutiny under Chairman Akio Toyoda’s leadership, and two of the Japanese
Electrek 5:45 pm on June 3, 2024

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Toyota faces vehicle testing flaws, shareholders call for new Chairman. Chairman Akio Toyoda apologizes amid stringent scrutiny over misconduct in vehicle verification procedures and recalls of models due to safety test violations; leading to calls for his replacement by investor groups Glass Lewis & Co., ISS.

  • Toyota grapples with certification issues amidst shareholder unrest.
  • Recent recalls and halted shipments prompt a search for new leadership.
  • Apologies from Chairman Toyoda, yet criticism remains persistent among investor groups.
  • Calls for revoking Akio Toyoda's position as chairman reflect growing shareholder dissatisfaction.
Electric Vehicles **Note: No other category seems relevant based on the text provided. However, Electric Vehicles is categorized here due to its direct relevance to one of the key points discussed in the text - Toyota's recalls and scrutiny over electric vehicles (EVs).**

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