Toyota Goes Large on Hydrogen With New Us Headquarters

Toyota today announced that it's turning its R&D office in Los Angeles into its new North American hydrogen
Electrek 6:39 am on May 5, 2024

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Michelle Lewis discusses Toyota's new US headquarters focused on hydrogen fuel cell technology. The move is significant for green energy R&D, with a microgrid and heavy-duty applications in the pipeline. SEO marketers should note its potential impact on sustainable transportation narratives and renewable policy promotion.

  • New HQ Focus: Toyota's R&D office rebranded as North n hydrogen headquarters.
  • Sustainability Efforts: Development of microgrids, light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells.
  • Renewable Energy Initiatives: The LA R&D center's history since the Mirai launch in 2015.
  • Electric Vehicle Market Insights: Critique of hydrogen light-duty vehicles over electric vehicle adoption and infrastructure.
  • Environmental Considerations: Challenges related to green hydrogen production and distribution for fuel cells.

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