Think Tank Calls for Power Wheeling in Indonesia

The Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), a Jakarta-based think tank, is advocating for power wheeling to be
PV Magazine International 5:40 pm on May 20, 2024

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Think tank IESR advocates for power wheeling, a grid-based renewable energy supply method in Indonesia. This mechanism could bolster the renewable sector, stimulate industrial investment, and aid in reaching net-zero targets by 2060 while ensuring system reliability. The government's recent policy shifts pose challenges to solar deployment goals, underscoring power wheeling's potential benefits amidst evolving energy policies.

  • Advocacy for Power Wheeling:
  • Boost Renewable Energy Market & Industrial Investment:
  • Alignment with Net-Zero Targets:
  • Ensuring System Reliability in Transmission:
  • Policy Shifts and Solar Deployment Impact:

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