There Are Over 140 ‘used' Tesla Cybertrucks for Sale

There are over 140 Tesla Cybertrucks for sale om the “used” market and the prices are all over the place....
Electrek 5:49 pm on May 13, 2024

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Tesla Cybertruck inventory has surged post-production, with prices varying widely. Over 140 models for sale suggest a significant decrease from earlier profit margins due to increased supply. Resellers face challenges as the novelty of Tesla's unconventional design diminishes in availability.

  • Inventory Surge: Over 140 used Cybertrucks now available, indicating a shift from earlier exclusivity.
  • Price Variance: Prices range broadly due to differing mileage and market conditions.
  • Reseller Challenges: Decreased uniqueness of Cybertrucks post-release affects reselling profitability.
  • Market Saturation: Tesla's early production has led to increased availability and reduced prices.
  • Innovation Diminishment: The initial appeal of the Cybertruck is waning as it enters a broader market.

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