The World's Largest Solar Farm Just Came Online in China

The world's largest solar farm, which sits in the desert in northwestern Xinjiang, is now connected to China's grid.
Electrek 5:39 pm on June 4, 2024

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A 5-gigawatt solar farm in China's Xinjiang has just been connected to the national grid, generating around 6.09 billion kWh yearly, which could power nearly 2 million electric vehicles annually. The facility is part of a broader 455 GW clean energy plan for resource-rich areas.

  • Solar Farm in Xinjiang: China's newest solar farm contributes significantly to renewable energy with an output matching millions of electric vehicles.
  • Energy Generation and Potential EV Impact: The facility generates substantial annual kWh, highlighting potential for widespread electric vehicle adoption.
  • Clean Energy Initiatives**: A strategic element in China's larger renewable energy initiative to promote sustainable practices and technology development.
  • Ethical Considerations**: The solar farm's location amidst reports of ethnic minority treatment raises questions on supply chain transparency.

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