The ‘situationship' Of the Solar Industry and Electric Utilities

Solar Builder Magazine 3:45 pm on June 3, 2024

The solar industry has successfully integrated with utilities, yet tensions arise as utilities attempt to monopolize profits and impede distributed generation. Solar Builder magazine delves into the evolving dynamics between the solar sector and electric utilities in June 2024.

  • Solar Industry's Integration: The solar industry has largely coexisted with utilities, leveraging technological advancements for mutual benefits.
  • Utility Monopoly Concerns: Utilities are increasingly seeking to claim full profits from the solar sector while attempting to limit distributed generation.
  • Electric Utility Actions: This includes raising fixed charges and lobbying for rate increases despite their own investments in front-of-meter solar systems.
  • Industry Response: The need for the solar industry to reassess its approach, acknowledging its influential power in this relationship.

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