The Us Is Putting Enough Solar to Power 400,000 Homes on Old Nuclear Weapons Sites

The US Department of Energy (DOE) is going to repurpose sites previously used in the nuclear weapons program into solar
Electrek 7:16 pm on June 5, 2024

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The US Department of Energy plans to convert old nuclear weapons sites into solar farms, with the Idaho National Laboratory project potentially providing power for 40,000 homes. This Cleanup to Clean Energy initiative involves leasing land from four additional nuclear sites and includes community-level renewable energy investments like local solar farms.

  • Cleanup Initiative: DOE repurposing of nuclear site for solar power production.
  • Project Details: Idaho National Laboratory to develop 300 MW, with NorthRenew and Spitfire creating further installations.
  • Community Solar Farms: Expansion of community solar options for renters and homeowners through partnerships like EnergySage Marketplace.
  • Expansion Plans: DOE's selections from four more nuclear sites, aiming to enhance renewable energy capacity significantly by 2030.

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