The “stolen Election” 5:36 pm on May 15, 2024

The post discusses the challenge of promoting election fraud claims (the "Big Lie") following a high-profile defamation lawsuit against Fox News. Craig Shields, associated with, suggests this task falls to President Trump or others in the anti-Biden camp.

  • Promotion of Election Fraud: The post reflects on the consequences faced by media outlets for promoting election fraud claims.
  • Craig Shields' Perspective: It discusses Craig Shields' viewpoint on handling dissemination of the Big Lie, noting potential financial implications.
  • Legal Repercussions: The mention of a $787.5 million defamation lawsuit against Fox News underscores legal risks involved in such promotions.
  • Craig Shields' Role: Craig Shields is linked to the renewable energy sector through his work at, suggesting an expertise outside of election matters.
  • Overall Context: The post serves as a commentary on political strategies in light of legal challenges rather than focusing directly on renewable energy issues.
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