The Hydrogen Stream: Japanese Scientists Develop Proton Conducting Perovskites for Fuel Cells

Scientists from the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
PV Magazine International 1:09 am on June 3, 2024

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Japanese scientists from Tokyo Tech and KEK have developed BaSc0.8W0.2O2.8 perovskite for proton-conducting ceramic fuel cells, achieving high oxygen deficiency with W doping to improve proton conduction at lower temperatures. The European Commission approved Hy2Mov IPCEI project to cut emissions from the transport sector via hydrogen technologies.

  • High Oxygen-Deficient Perovskite:
  • Proton Conductivity: W6+ doping increases protons' movement at lower temperatures in BaSc0.8W0.2O2.8.
  • Hy2Mov IPCEI Project: Aims for 90% emission reduction, uniting 11 companies across seven EU countries.
  • Hydrogen Market Ramp-up Act: Accelerates infrastructure development and approvals in Germany by 2030.
  • RWE Gersteinwerk Project: Consortium to plan for an 800 MW hydrogen-ready power plant, pending network connection approval.
Renewable policy and incentives Hydrogen

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