Tesla's Next Full Self Driving Update Is Late and It's a Critical One

Tesla’s next supervised Full Self-Driving (FSD) update is becoming quite late, and it’s a critical oneTesla’s next supervised Full Self-Driving (FSD) update is becoming quite late, and it’s a critical one.
Electrek 5:45 pm on June 3, 2024

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The Tesla FSD update v12.4, critical for the Full Self-Driving feature's progress towards reliability, has been delayed beyond its expected release in June 2024. This setback occurs despite prior improvements following end-to-end neural net adoption and increased computational power training.

  • FSD Update Delay:
  • Neural Net Deployment: Tesla's FSD now utilizes an advanced, end-to-end neural network approach.
  • Increased Computational Power: Significant investment in compute power for training neural networks has been made.
  • Expectations vs. Progress: Delays and bugs have tempered expectations, which were previously high with the FSD Beta Program's continuous updates.


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