Tesla's Latest Way to Get Shareholders to Vote: Factory Tour With Elon and Franz

Tesla has come up with yet another program to encourage shareholders to vote in the upcoming shareholders meeting with aTesla has come up with yet another program to encourage shareholders to vote in the upcoming shareholders meeting with a.
Electrek 8:03 pm on May 28, 2024

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Tesla is enticing shareholders with an opportunity to attend a factory tour featuring CEO Elon Musk and Chief Designer Franz von Holzhausen, with entry contingent on previous voting. The company's push for the Texas incorporation vote amidst governance controversies reflects Tesla's broader legal challenges in its shareholder relations and business operations strategy.

  • Tesla Incentive for Shareholders:
  • Factory tour with Musk & von Holzhausen
  • Shareholder voting tied to tour entry
  • Texas incorporation vote amidst legal challenges
  • Governance issues impacting Tesla's shareholder relations


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